WEM Blockchain is a secure, decentralized and green platform designed to develop, launch and manage a variety of financial instruments on Layer 1 with a whole new set of features.
Layer 1 Blockchain

What is WEM blockchain?

WEM blockchain provides a trustless validation protocol enhanced with near-instant transaction capabilities and a transparent and predictable fee structure, enabling previously unattainable use cases.
WEM blockchain allows multiple native layer 1 coins to be used simultaneously, and is fully tokenized to facilitate secure and transparent DAO governance including but not limited to project funding processes.

solution that uses a lot less energy than other protocols.


transparent fee structure with fixed rates that can only be adjusted within a specified timeframe.


with all major networks and cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, Layer 2, etc.


ledger, wallets with industry-leading standards with a proven track record.


algorithms for validation, which incentivizes the operation of decentralized nodes.


to ensure project longevity open to anyone who wants to take part.

Why WEM blockchain

In addition to our core features, we aspire to be fast enough, not necessarily the fastest or the cheapest. Rather than strive to be the most trusted, we prioritize trustless system delegation that is virtually open to all. Join us on this exciting journey.

$WEMU (WEM Utility Token) Presale

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Our Tokens

 What is WEMU?

$WEMU token are utility instrument that represent the fiscal value of the whole #WEMblockchain. It offers governance, utility, and staking opportunities for its holders.

WEM Coin

WEM Coin has features and use cases designed to function in the same way as money.
WEM Coin is backed by other major cryptocurrencies through multiple liquidity providers.

WEM coin

The Currency of the Future


Near Instant Transaction protocol developed and used by WEM guarantees transaction times of less than one second. The tested transaction speed was close to 100,000 transactions per second.


The entire WEM system is built with usability in mind. WEM Wallet is available on all platforms and regions, including our Web Portal.


WEM Coin is pegged to the real world money, the US dollar.


Decentralized transactions are irrevocable and unstoppable. Your own your coins.

Medium of Exchange

Anything that represents a standard of value and is used to facilitate the sale, purchase, or exchange (trade) of goods or services. The WEM Coin is stable and may be used for all types of transactions worldwide.

Unit of Account

A defined unit of measurement used to price products and services (e.g., USD, EUR, CHF). WEM Coin is priced at one dollar. 1 WEMC is always equated to 1 USD.

Store of Value

An asset that preserves its value over time without depreciating significantly. WEM Coin is a Stable-Coin, which means it may be used as a store of value even when the market is volatile.


WEMCoin Mobile App

All Transactions In Your Pocket

Personal Wallet
Sign in with fingerprint or Face ID to access wallet.
Smart Peer
To find sellers and make transactions with QR code.
Push Alerts
To get notifications about transactions, prices etc.


 What is WEMU?

$WEMU token are utility instrument that represent the fiscal value of the whole #WEMblockchain. It offers governance, utility, and staking opportunities for its holders.
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Multiple network gateways with different feature sets point to a single ledger.

WEM coin


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