Current RoadMap


Preparation to CoinMarketCap listing
Interconnection with Exchanges
Preparation to launch Liquidity pool
Interconnection with Trading Platforms

Stages of Implementation:


WEM Wallets
WEM WEB Portal
Fees Module
Stage 1 - Stage 4
Stage 5

Stage 1:

There is just one root node and several wallets.
We simply need one root node and various users with wallets to develop and run the blockchain WEM. The root node should be operating on the server, and the wallet can run on any computer or be added as a multi-user online wallet.

Because all root nodes must be owned by the founders and cannot be managed by anyone else, this blockchain structure will be 100% centralized and will lack decentralization and consensus mechanisms that would have sped up phase 1 implementation but will inherit all of the problems associated with completely centralized systems.

We also need to create a blockchain web browser that allows us to see all of the wallets online and search for each single transaction and block based on their ID.

At this stage, the blockchain becomes fully functional.
+Fee module development time.

Stage 2: 2+ root nodes.

This stage is similar to Stage 1 with one exception: the root nodes will communicate with one another in order to maintain the most recent copy of the blockchain. Although a consensus method is still not required, rotating nodes will improve network stability and security. He must still be considered as entirely centralized, as nothing may be forwarded to the participating untrusted nodes at this time.

.Stage3: +1 simple node.

The participating nodes can now be launched. It is essential to keep in mind that the initial simple node must be held by the founders, as one simple node will not have enough possibilities at this time, and the system should still be deemed 100% centralized.
This is a significant step toward decentralizing the system. Certain functions must be assigned to a simple node permanently, and a consensus mechanism must be established.
List of delegated functions: *

Stage 4: 2+ simple nodes

At this point, simple nodes can communicate with one another. You can also delegate other functions. This also implies that the creation of a simple node will be concluded.

Stage 5: Testnet.

The testnet will be started at this point. This is a critical phase because everyone involved is simple nodes should be chosen at “random” from the test network to the mainnet. This is the final stage, and we now have a fully operational, production-ready blockchain.
At this point, we will require additional assistance from the programming community.

Bridges to the cryptocurrency’s main modules should be built concurrently. This development can be added at any stage.

At the completion of Stage 1, the module in charge of collecting and processing commissions should be fully developed.